summit: 'Middle New zealand on ideology'



tākina events, 50 cable street, wellington

tākina events, 50 cable st, wellington

INFLECTION POINT NEW ZEALAND has brought together renowned speakers from New Zealand and around the world who champion global concerns for children, women and society at large. This summit is for New Zealanders who want the Government to stop gender indoctrination and medicalisation of our children.


This event being held by Inflection Point is focusing on the issue of gender indoctrination and medicalisation of New Zealand’s children. We will be addressing many issues of concern to middle New Zealand in the future. Please consider donating. We intend to hold other events, but they are expensive to run. No matter how large or small, we are very grateful for your donation and it will be put to good use. We rely on the generosity of like-minded New Zealanders.

Kiwibank Account No. 38-9023-0430952-00

Particulars: your name
Code: your email address
Reference: remains of email address if it didn’t fit on line above

Kiwibank Account No.


Particulars: your name
Code: your email address
Reference: remains of email address if it didn’t fit on line above

We respect your privacy. We will not disclose your details to any third party unless required by law.

Register now – limited seating.

Tickets $20.


Mia Hughes

Mia Hughes

Author of the WPATH files

In March 2024, leaked files out of the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH), reveals widespread medical malpractice on children and vulnerable adults at the global transgender healthcare authority. The leaked files, which consisted of emails, videos and a variety of other documentation, demonstrated a lack of consideration by WPATH for long-term patient outcomes despite being aware of the debilitating and potentially fatal side effects of cross-sex hormones and other treatments. (Speaking by video stream.)

Ro Edge

Ro Edge

Save Women’s Sports Australasia

Save Women’s Sport Australasia is part of an international coalition of women’s organisations, athletes, and supporters of women in sport advocating for the preservation of the female sports category. Save Women’s Sport Australasia was established in response to flawed transgender guidelines issued by the International Olympic Committee, which has resulted in more and more females being displaced from their teams, representative selections, and podium positions, by males who identify as transgender.

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull

Women's Rights Campaigner

(Speaking by video stream.)

Jennifer Bilek

Jennifer Bilek

Journalist / Writer

Jennifer Bilek is an investigative journalist, writer, and artist. Her work has been featured in several publications, including Tablet Magazine, First Things, and The Post Millennial. She is also a portrait painter with over 35 years of experience. As an investigative journalist, Jennifer has delved into the world of gender identity and has written extensively on the topic. Her research has led her to uncover the financial backing of the transgender movement by billionaires and the role of biotech and transhumanists in shaping the narrative. (Speaking by video stream.)

Bob McCroskie

Bob McCoskrie

Family First

Bob McCoskrie is the national director of Family First NZ and runs the popular YouTube channel, McBlog, and regularly live streams political discussion on Straight Talk. He has been active in revealing the role of PATHA in the development of government policies relating to transgender issues and has been a fierce opponent of the use of puberty blockers in New Zealand.

Jan Rivers

Jan Rivers

Researcher and Policy Analyst

Jan Rivers was a  public servant in Wellington for 20 years. She is passionate about the quality of the public sector and our democracy. Working in government, she has advocated for democracy, quality media and against unfair trade agreements. A lesbian, she is a member of the “rainbow” community and has researched the influence of gender theory across the New Zealand public sector and New Zealand’s approach to gender medicine for children and young adults.

Brian Tamaki

Brian Tamaki


Brian Tamaki is the founder of Destiny Church. In April this year, members of his church took protest action painting over council-approved “rainbow” crossings in Gisborne and Auckland, causing a national and international debate. Public libraries have been forced to re-think hosting Drag Queen Reading Events as a result of his church’s protest actions. Brian is dedicated to community service, working to uplift and improve thousands of Kiwis’ lives, through transformative programs such as ManUp.

Simon O'Connor

Simon O’Connor

Former National MP

Simon was a National Party MP from 2011 to 2023, holding the seat of Tamaki. A rare conservative voice, Simon voted against the against the Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill. He has been a staunch advocate for human rights, and was Co-Chair of IPAC. Since leaving politics he has focused on his family and has recently joined Family First.

Racheal Stewart

Rachel Stewart


Rachel Stewart won Opinion Writer of the Year at the 2016 Canon Media Awards. Given her eclectic background, including farming and agri-politics, private investigation, and being New Zealand’s first female train driver, she has always had plenty to opine about. And while opining on the dangers of the trans movement in a 2018 column, little did she know how it would lead to sustained abuse, cancellation, reputational damage, and the forced removal of her legal guns by the NZ Police  – all because of pressure from trans activists.

Katherine Chua

Katherine Chua


Katherine is an Auckland homemaker and mother of five who has actively worked to inform parents at her local school and the community about gender ideology in the new Relationship and Sexuality Education Guidelines. Kathrine has been a voice for parents and women through blogs and various media.

Landy Sisters


Mana Wāhine Kōrero

Mana Wāhine Kōrero is a national and international rōpū of wahine Maori & whanaunga formed in opposition to the appropriation of Māori Culture by Critical Social Justice ideologues. MWK is the only indigenous Gender Critical organisation in Australasia and is dedicated to the safety of Women, Children and Māori Culture, language and history.